How Many Times Can You Do Umrah in One Journey?

How Many Times Can You Do Umrah in One Journey?

The act or the ability to conduct Umrah is one of the most fulfilling spiritual exercises that Muslims from all corners of the world undertake. While Umrah differs from Hajj and is required only once in a lifetime, you may make a pilgrimage to Umrah as often as you want. The key question is, How many times can you do Umrah? Let’s explore the answer.

Multiple Umrahs in a Single Journey

Contrary to what most people believe, it is acceptable to go for more than one Umrah while in Makkah once. Legal to practice and even recognised as moral behaviour. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “(The performance of) ‘Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous ‘Umrah.” This again emphasises the religious reason for performing multiple Umrah.

In case you intend or plan to make a second circuit of the Ka’bah on the same trip, you must perform all the actions of the initial Umrah first. You then leave the Haram area and go to any of the five major Miqat point, The five major Miqat points are Dhul-Hulaifa, Al-Juhfah, Qarn Al-Manazil, Yalamlam, and Dhat Irq to start lhram again.

How Many Umrah Can You Do in a Day?

Technically, there is no limit to how many Umrah can you do in a day. Nonetheless, actual physical work and the time it takes for each Umrah make it difficult to perform multiple Umrahs in a day. Every Umrah entails performing Tawaf, Sa’i, and other processes, and this can be time-consuming and requires concentration.

For a comfortable Umrah journey, you can avail yourself of the packages from Al Hadi India. They offer comprehensive packages to take care of every aspect.

How to Do a Second Umrah

To perform a second Umrah in the same journey:

  • Complete your first Umrah.
  • Go to a Miqat place.
  • Again, leave Ihram and perform the second Tawaf for the second circuit on the second Umrah.
  • Go back to the Haram and perform all the rituals that are performed in Umrah.

Is It Possible to Perform Umrah for the Intention of Others?

In such circumstances where one is sick or has died, one can perform the Umrah on their behalf. This must be done with pure intention and on two different occasions when performing Umrahs.

It is impossible to do one round of Umrah for two people concurrently. However, one must carry out one Umrah, and upon reaching a Miqat point, another Umrah is required for the second individual.

Final Thoughts

If you are wondering How many times can you do Umrah in one trip? The answer to the question depends on the physical condition, time that is available and. In Islam, the religion does not belittle the number of Umrahs but rather the type of acts of worship; thus the spiritual essence of it all is what really counts.

Through multiple Umrahs, you wash your sins and gain proximity to Allah in the process. Umrah means taking closer to Allah and giving yourself the opportunity to repent and sustain your Iman.

If you are looking for well-curated packages to Umrah, look no further than Al Hadi India – Umrah Tour and Travels. From amazing deals to an extensive network of transportation and hospitality, they ensure the best experience every time.

blank AlHadi India is a complete solution provider for Umrah tourism. Providing high-quality end-to-end Umrah services.

Contact Info

Mumbai Head Office: 1303 13th Floor, JMS Business Center, Behram Baug Rd, Jogeshwari West. Mumbai-400102

Latur Branch Office: 1st floor, Above Subhash Crockery, Saale Galli Corner, Masjid Road, Latur 413512

Mumbai  Office:

  • 7986 12 13 14
  • 7986 88 7986
  • 9967 48 7986

Latur Branch :

  • 7743 88 9786
  • 8446 19 1191
  • 7078 78 0094