

Praise be to Allah. It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to an Ansaari woman – Ibn ‘Abbaas named her but I [the narrator] forgot her name – “What kept you from going to Hajj with...
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Praise be to Allah. If a person performs ‘Umrah, shaves his head and exits ihraam, then he performs ‘Umrah again shortly after that, and his hair has not yet grown, then he does not have to pass the razor over his head, rather once he has finished his saa’i he may exit ihraam and he...
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Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  The scholars differed as to what is preferable in the case of Taraweeh prayer: Is it better to offer it in the mosque in congregation or to offer it at home individually? There are three opinions concerning that:  1. That offering it in congregation in the mosque is preferable. This...
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Praise be to Allah. An act of worship cannot be accepted unless it meets two conditions:  1 – Sincerity towards Allaah alone, i.e., it is done to seek the Countenance of Allaah and the Hereafter, and is not done to show off, to enhance one’s reputation or for worldly gain.  2 – Following the Prophet...
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Praise be to Allah. The scholars are agreed that ‘Umrah is prescribed in Islam and is an act of virtue.  They differed as to whether it is obligatory. Imam Abu Haneefah and Imam Maalik were of the view that it is Sunnah and mustahab, but not obligatory; this was also the view favoured by Shaykh...
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